Suit of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

The cups tarot card suit represent the element of Water.
When we think of Water, we think of the rolling tide, and of waves. Feelings, intuition, and creativity are all closely related to this element. Cups usually signify an emotional connection or relationship, either with others or yourself. Cups are closely associated with Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio.

  • Ace of Cups tarot card meaning

    Ace of Cups

  • Two of Cups tarot card meaning

    Two of Cups

  • Three of Cups tarot card meaning

    Three of Cups

  • Four of Cups tarot card meaning

    Four of Cups

  • Five of Cups tarot card meaning

    Five of Cups

  • Six of Cups tarot card meaning

    Six of Cups

  • Seven of Cups tarot card meaning

    Seven of Cups

  • Eight of Cups tarot card meaning

    Eight of Cups

  • Nine of Cups tarot card meaning

    Nine of Cups

  • Ten of Cups tarot card meaning

    Ten of Cups

  • Page of Cups tarot card meaning

    Page of Cups

  • Knight of Cups tarot card meaning

    Knight of Cups

  • Queen of Cups tarot card meaning

    Queen of Cups

  • King of Cups tarot card meaning

    King of Cups