Page of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

  • Page of Cups tarot card meaning
  • Page of Cups Upright Meaning

    This is a card of new and exciting creative opportunities flowing through you, but only when you are open to them. The Page of Cups is all about your creative endeavors. Perhaps you have a friend or loved one who exudes creativity and passion, now could be the perfect time to reach out and spend some more time with them. A birth of a new idea, something that might be a little out of your comfort zone, but which gets you excited and eager to get started, might arise. Keep your eyes open for new opportunities, you don’t want to miss them. Allow yourself to be playful with the idea, look at it through childlike eyes and the possibilities are endless.

    Page of Cups Keywords

    Intuition, curiosity, possibility, and creative opportunities.

    Page of Cups Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, this card suggests that there might be a creative (or intuitive) blockage. Something, or someone, is preventing you from accessing new opportunities and ideas. Take a look at your life and see where the blockages might be, what can you do about them? Now is not the time to sit back and accept a lack of creativity, especially if you are usually a creative person. This card might also represent a lack of emotional maturity that prevents you from accessing new opportunities. If you feel you always opt for the easier opportunity, then this interpretation is for you. Perhaps you have a tendency to run away when things get difficult, try to stick out this opportunity and you might be rewarded with something you are really proud of.

    Page of Cups Reversed Keywords

    Blocked intuition and creativity, emotional immaturity, and a lack of new ideas.

  • Page of Cups In A Love Reading

    In love, the Page of Cups represents new romantic opportunities or messages of love. It’s a time of emotional openness and the potential for new relationships.

    Page of Cups In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Page of Cups suggests new financial opportunities that are emotionally fulfilling. It’s a time to trust your intuition and remain open to creative ways to improve your financial situation.

    Page of Cups In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the Page of Cups suggests a time of creative inspiration and emotional fulfillment in your work. You may be receiving positive news or opportunities in your career.