Two of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

  • Two of Cups tarot card meaning
  • Two of Cups Upright Meaning

    The Two of Cups represents partnership, usually romantic, however it can signify platonic love too. It is symbolic of sharing your energy with another person, and the power and beauty that is created when the two of them come together. It might symbolize the combination of opposites with mutual respect for the other’s way of thinking. It can also symbolize a resolution between two people, perhaps siblings that have had a falling out, or ex-lovers who decide to put the past behind them and start a friendship.

    Two of Cups Keywords

    Partnership, coming together, mutual attraction, and unified love.

    Two of Cups Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, the opposite is true. Something is off-kilter, out of balance, simply not right. There is a lack of trust and respect in the relationship and the burden may be too much to bear. This card shows that now is the time to take a look at your relationship/friendship and decide whether it is worth it to work through your differences, or whether you’re simply better off apart. On a different note, it may also symbolize unrequited love. Perhaps you have feelings for somebody and these feelings are not returned. While that is unfortunate, putting your time and energy into moving on with your life is essential. Don’t get caught up on things that will never be.

    Two of Cups Reversed Keywords

    Breaking apart, distrust, and disharmony

  • Two of Cups In A Love Reading

    The Two of Cups represents partnership, love, and unity. It’s a sign of a balanced and harmonious relationship where both partners support each other.

    Two of Cups In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Two of Cups indicates a harmonious financial situation, perhaps with the help of a partner or someone who supports your financial goals. Collaboration can lead to prosperity.

    Two of Cups In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the Two of Cups suggests harmonious partnerships and collaborations. This is a good time to work closely with others, as partnerships may bring success and growth.