Four of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

  • Four of Cups tarot card meaning
  • Four of Cups Upright Meaning

    The card suggests that you might be re-evaluating what you thought you wanted out of life. The path you were on might not be the one that you see yourself pursuing. You are taking the time to sit and evaluate what you want your life to look like. We all have a different view on what happiness is, and perhaps you are studying what this looks like for you. If you feel overwhelmed with all of the choices and decisions life is throwing at you, and you have not yet decided which path to take, this card suggests that it is time to take a break and allow yourself the respite to make that decision. Don’t rush it. Sit with it and then reach out and take the cup that aligns with what you want your life to be.

    Four of Cups Keywords

    Quiet contemplation, meditation, and re-evaluation.

    Four of Cups Reversed Meaning

    The Four of Cups, reversed, might suggest that you are not alone by choice. Perhaps you want to be around others but don’t know how to approach this. This card calls upon you to reach out, perhaps to those you look up to, and see what you can learn from them. Perhaps you have withdrawn because life, or a project/relationship, feels too difficult. Withdrawing, or retreating, without facing your emotions can make life more difficult in the long term. You have lots of opportunities in front of you, use this time to make a decision and pursue it, whatever that might mean for you.

    Four of Cups Reversed Keywords

    Loneliness, withdrawal, and retreat.

  • Four of Cups In A Love Reading

    The Four of Cups represents emotional withdrawal or dissatisfaction in love. You may be focusing on what’s missing in your relationship rather than appreciating what you have.

    Four of Cups In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Four of Cups indicates dissatisfaction with your financial situation. You may be feeling ungrateful or not recognizing the opportunities available to improve your finances.

    Four of Cups In A Career Reading

    In career, the Four of Cups suggests boredom or lack of fulfillment. You may feel emotionally disengaged from your work and may need to reassess your career path or refocus on your passions.