King of Cups Tarot Card Meaning

  • King of Cups tarot card meaning
  • King of Cups Upright Meaning

    Kings represent leaders in our lives. That may be you, or somebody else. Perhaps you are well respected and diplomatic. You are able to solve arguments without letting your emotions get the better of you. If that’s the case, then people look to you for guidance and support. You may be under complete control of your feelings, the King of Cups is the only King capable of this, and it is a huge advantage. In your relationships, you may take on a leading role, which your partner, or loved one, appreciates. It makes them feel safe and taken care of. You are in a position where you can use your diplomacy and emotional control to make a real change in the lives of other people. Perhaps there is a cause you’d like to get involved in, or a new challenge you’d like to take on. You have all the tools in your belt to succeed, once you figure out the right path for you.

    King of Cups Keywords

    Emotionally balanced, diplomatic, and a leader.

    King of Cups Reversed Meaning

    When the King of Cups is reversed, we see somebody who is manipulative and uses their leadership and respect for selfish, rather than altruistic, reasons. When you look at your goals in life, what is the real reason for them? Do you wish to achieve your goals for yourself, or for those around you? Now might be the right time to shift your viewpoint towards something more altruistic. Alternatively, reversed, this card might suggest that somebody around you can’t be trusted. You might be being used for somebody else’s selfish gain. Look closely at those you work with, or share your creativity with, are they using your talents for good? If not, it may be time to distance yourself from them.

    King of Cups Reversed Keywords

    Manipulation, selfishness, and fickle moods.

  • King of Cups In A Love Reading

    In love, the King of Cups represents emotional maturity, stability, and compassion. It’s a time to foster deep emotional connections and maintain balance in your relationships.

    King of Cups In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the King of Cups indicates financial stability achieved through emotional balance and wisdom. It’s a time to make decisions that support both your financial security and emotional well-being.

    King of Cups In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the King of Cups suggests leadership through emotional intelligence. You may be in a role where your ability to manage emotions and provide support to others is highly valued.