Three of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

  • Three of Wands tarot card meaning
  • Three of Wands Upright Meaning

    The Three of Wands is a strong and grounded character. His ability to see what lies ahead will benefit him greatly. This character may be representative of you, or somebody close to you. If it is you, then you are in great standing to proceed with your plans. You have a good solid head on your shoulders and are able to face challenges with forethought and knowledge. You are ready for the new oppotuntities and have the tools to face them. Similarly, if this character represents somebody close to you, then they are a great source of knowledge. They may have experienced already what you are facing now and therefore have a unique and helpful insight. You are going forward with open eyes and a ready heart.

    Three of Wands Keywords

    Progress, expansion, foresight, and new opportunities.

    Three of Wands Reversed Meaning

    The word that comes to mind when we think of the Three of Wands, reversed, is blinkered. You might not be able to see the whole picture from where you stand. Don’t make big decisions before you have all of the facts. Seek support and guidance from those who are more knowledgeable and experienced than yourself. You may face delays in your plans that you hadn’t foreseen. Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down by this. Make a plan to move forward and thoroughly explore all ideas before you make a decision.

    Three of Wands Reversed Keywords

    Insufficient foresight, delays, and potential stagnation.

  • Three of Wands In A Love Reading

    In love, the Three of Wands signifies growth and expansion in a relationship. It’s about looking ahead and building a future with a partner. Long-distance relationships may also be indicated.

    Three of Wands In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Three of Wands suggests that your financial investments are beginning to show returns. It’s about long-term financial growth and being patient as your efforts pay off.

    Three of Wands In A Career Reading

    In career matters, this card represents progress and moving forward with plans. You are seeing the results of your hard work, and it’s time to expand your horizons.