Three of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

  • Three of Swords tarot card meaning
  • Three of Swords Upright Meaning

    The Three of Swords symbolizes pain and heartbreak. Perhaps you are going through a break-up or a difficult time in your relationship. This card shows that something needs to change or you will continue to feel miserable. If you are in a relationship you’re not happy with, this card is calling for you to consider moving on. However, this might not simply be referring to romantic love. Maybe there’s somebody in your life, a friend or family member, who you have loved but who no longer is a supportive person in your life. While separating yourself from people you once cared for may be hard, it can make life far better in the long term. Use your head as well as your heart when making decisions about love, the two should work hand in hand. From whatever pain we face, something better is usually established. The storm will pass.

    Three of Swords Keywords

    Emotional hurt, sorrow, grief, and heartbreak.

    Three of Swords Reversed Meaning

    This card, reversed, indicates that you’ve already faced heartbreak or a difficult decision, and that you are reaching a point where you are ready to move forward with your life. Perhaps you are not quite ready for forgiveness, but you will get there eventually. To forgive doesn’t mean to forget, but it does mean that you don’t allow it to hurt you anymore. This is what this card calls upon you to do. To work towards moving on from the hurt and being optimistic towards the future.

    Three of Swords Reversed Keywords

    Optimism, forgiveness, and the release of pain.

  • Three of Swords In A Love Reading

    The Three of Swords in love often signifies heartbreak, betrayal, or emotional pain. It can indicate breakups, separation, or unresolved wounds in a relationship.

    Three of Swords In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Three of Swords suggests financial losses or setbacks. You may be dealing with disappointment or financial struggles that cause emotional stress.

    Three of Swords In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the Three of Swords represents disappointment or setbacks. You may experience rejection, failure, or conflict in the workplace that causes emotional strain.