Three of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

  • Three of Pentacles tarot card meaning
  • Three of Pentacles Upright Meaning

    Three cards represent groupings and growth. You will notice that each ‘three’ card shows the coming together of people in different capacities. The Three of Pentacles shows that now might be an ideal time to reach out and collaborate with those either more experienced than yourself or skilled in other areas. If you are doing so already, working as part of a team, then you are on the right track. Ensure that you remain open to them and learn from them, just as they will learn from you, and the result of your collaboration will be so much more magical than if you were doing it alone. Encourage those around you, and accept encouragement from them, and you will create a positive working environment. If you have considered further education, this card suggests that now is a great time to do so.

    Three of Pentacles Keywords

    Collaboration, learning, and team work.

    Three of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, this card suggests that you might have barriers up. Perhaps you prefer to work alone, or those you are expected to work with, you are not aligned with. Sometimes, we work better alone and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as we accept that we can learn from others. Don’t close yourself off without first exploring other options. Now might be the right time for a new venture if the one you’re working on is not aligned with your dreams and values. If you have to stay within your current team, then maybe take some time to get to know one another a little better, and build working relationships that are set to succeed.

    Three of Pentacles Reversed Keywords

    Working alone, disharmony, and misalignment.

  • Three of Pentacles In A Love Reading

    In love, the Three of Pentacles represents teamwork and building something together with a partner. It suggests collaboration and effort in making the relationship work.

    Three of Pentacles In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Three of Pentacles indicates growth through collaboration. You may benefit from working with others or learning new skills that will help improve your financial situation.

    Three of Pentacles In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the Three of Pentacles signifies collaboration and recognition for your skills. You may be working on a team project or being acknowledged for your talents and contributions.