The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning

  • The lovers tarot card meaning
  • The Lovers Upright Meaning

    At the heart of it, this card shows a deep, beautiful connection between two people. This could be lovers, family, or friends. There is the suggestion of complete open honesty, communication, and respect. This card is about a choice. Perhaps this is between promiscuity and love, or the choice between following our heart and our head in a situation not related to love. Should you take the difficult route, or the safe route? The Lovers suggest that you should take the higher, moral path, even if it is more difficult. Another meaning would be to unify two halves to make a whole. Positive and negative energies, the combination of your head and your heart, accept that in all things there is good and bad, and that sometimes we must embrace that.

    The Lovers Keywords

    Attraction, union, love, relationships, commitment

    The Lovers Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, this card could suggest that you are out of sync with somebody close to you. Perhaps your ideas differ or you’re growing apart. You need to make a choice as to whether you wish to fan the flames, or put out the fire. It could suggest physical or mental infidelity within a couple and the need to address this sooner rather than later. A choice has to be made. You may have a tendency to be indecisive and the Lovers card pushes you to make a decision, no matter how difficult that might be.

    The Lovers Reversed Keywords

    Disharmony, loss of balance, conflict, broken relationship

  • The Lovers In A Love Reading

    The Lovers card in love signifies harmony, deep connections, and the importance of choice. It often represents a significant relationship or the need to make an important decision in matters of the heart.

    The Lovers In A Finance Reading

    Financially, The Lovers indicate that decisions around money may involve another person, such as a partner or a business collaborator. It’s important to find balance and harmony in financial decisions, ensuring that both parties' needs are met.

    The Lovers In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, The Lovers suggest partnership, collaboration, and important choices that could affect your professional path. It’s a time to weigh options carefully and consider the impact of your decisions.