The Hierophant Tarot Card Meaning

  • The hierophant tarot card meaning
  • The Hierophant Upright Meaning

    This card suggests that a person has a preference for both ceremony and routine; spiritual power through an establishment. You might be seeking spiritual support through an outside organization or looking to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the universe. The card suggests a world of order and conformity. You might seek counsel from others, knowing that other people are founts of knowledge and experience. Perhaps you are the one giving the sound advice, especially if you have mastered an area of learning. You enjoy tradition and being part of a group of people who feel the same way.

    The Hierophant Keywords

    Spitrituallity, tradition, morals, confirmity, learning, seeking counsel

    The Hierophant Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, the Hierophant represents that you are open to new ideas and rebel against traditions. You might be an artist who colors outside of the lines, either literally or metaphorically. Alternatively, it might mean that you have sought counsel from a poor source. Whether innocently, or purposefully, your teacher may have misled you with incorrect information and a distorted truth. You could be a black sheep who does not seek approval from others. You are challenging the status quo you have been brought up in. Reversed, this card challenges you to look deeply and see whether you align with the values being taught around you.

    The Hierophant Reversed Keywords

    Non-comformity, rebellion, distortion of the truth, abuse of position, poor counsel

  • The Hierophant In A Love Reading

    The Hierophant in love is about commitment, traditional values, and seeking guidance. It can indicate a relationship that follows conventional paths, such as marriage, or the need for spiritual guidance in love matters.

    The Hierophant In A Finance Reading

    Financially, The Hierophant indicates stability and security through traditional means. It suggests sticking to conventional methods of managing money, such as saving, investing in stable options, and avoiding unnecessary risks.

    The Hierophant In A Career Reading

    In your career, The Hierophant suggests a role within a traditional institution, such as corporate jobs or roles within education or religion. It’s a time to follow established protocols and seek mentorship or guidance from those more experienced.