Seven of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

  • Seven of Wands tarot card meaning
  • Seven of Wands Upright Meaning

    Even if you are super prepared, sometimes things catch us unaware and we simply have to do our best with the tools we have to overcome these challenges. Even if you are successful, in order to remain successful, the Seven of Wands reminds you that you have to keep fighting. If your success was a very public one, there may be people who are jealous and are trying to tear you down. Be wary of those who want what you have. In order to achieve a higher level of wisdom, you will be continually tested, as you can see in this card. With each attack, or challenge, you gain new knowledge and experiences, which you should allow yourself to be grateful for. Fight for what you believe in and don’t back down, no matter how difficult the battle may seem.

    Seven of Wands Keywords

    Perseverance, challenges, and overcoming obstacles

    Seven of Wands Reversed Meaning

    Even if you are super prepared, sometimes things catch us unaware and we simply have to do our best with the tools we have to overcome these challenges. Even if you are successful, in order to remain successful, the Seven of Wands reminds you that you have to keep fighting. If your success was a very public one, there may be people who are jealous and are trying to tear you down. Be wary of those who want what you have. In order to achieve a higher level of wisdom, you will be continually tested, as you can see in this card. With each attack, or challenge, you gain new knowledge and experiences, which you should allow yourself to be grateful for. Fight for what you believe in and don’t back down, no matter how difficult the battle may seem.

    Seven of Wands Reversed Keywords

    Exhaustion, giving up on goals, and overwhelm

  • Seven of Wands In A Love Reading

    In love, the Seven of Wands represents the need to stand up for yourself in a relationship. It suggests facing challenges or opposition, but being willing to defend your position.

    Seven of Wands In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Seven of Wands suggests standing your ground in financial matters. You may face challenges or competition, but persistence and resilience will pay off.

    Seven of Wands In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the Seven of Wands indicates that you are facing competition or opposition in the workplace, but you have the strength and determination to overcome it.