Nine of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

  • Nine of Swords tarot card meaning
  • Nine of Swords Upright Meaning

    When you see the Nine of Swords, you immediately think ‘nightmares’. That might sound like a terrible thing, and this isn’t an entirely positive card. However, the thing about nightmares is that they’re all in our head. It’s internal. Our external situation is not impacted, and therefore we can overcome these nightmares by looking inwards. Fear, anxiety, and depression can be crippling. This card is calling upon you to seek support in order to move forwards. Our thoughts and fears can have a massive impact on the quality of our life and therefore, in order to lead a positive life, we need to overcome them. Reach out to a loved one or a professional and begin to tackle your fears. Each step you take, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. They all add up and you’ll eventually overcome this. But not if you don’t do anything about it.

    Nine of Swords Keywords

    Nightmares, anxiety, fear, and depression.

    Nine of Swords Reversed Meaning

    You have reached a point where you are able to release some of the worry, negative feelings, and perhaps secrets, you have been keeping locked up inside. With this, comes a rush of mental clarity. Perhaps you are feeling like you can see the world clearly for the first time in a while. Maybe, you are starting to acknowledge how strong and capable you are, and therefore your self-image is improving too. Continue doing whatever you’re doing because it’s working wonders for you. However, don’t become complacent. Continue to work on yourself and strive towards a healthy mind.

    Nine of Swords Reversed Keywords

    Releasing worry and secrets.

  • Nine of Swords In A Love Reading

    The Nine of Swords in love represents anxiety, guilt, or sleepless nights. You may be feeling overwhelmed by worries about your relationship or fear of loss.

    Nine of Swords In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Nine of Swords suggests financial anxiety or fear. You may be feeling overwhelmed by financial pressures or worried about making ends meet.

    Nine of Swords In A Career Reading

    Career-wise, the Nine of Swords signifies stress, worry, or fear regarding work. You may be losing sleep over job concerns or feeling immense pressure in your professional life.