King of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

  • King of Wands tarot card meaning
  • King of Wands Upright Meaning

    The King of Wands represents a masculine energy. He is a natural leader with a fiery nature. His ideas are often outside of the box and visionary. He is bold and reminds us that there is a time and a place for boldness. Perhaps you are thinking of fighting for a cause or movement, the King of Wands suggests that now is the time for action. Others may look to you for support or guidance, you exude the energy of the King. Now is the perfect time to explore new ideas and new business ventures.

    King of Wands Keywords

    Natural leader, visionary, and entrepreneur.

    King of Wands Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, the King of Wands is a ruthless leader, one who rules with an iron fist. His people are scared of him. There is a danger that you might be too harsh with those around you. Perhaps you have a bit of a temper and your emotions sometimes get out of control. You can be seen as pushy and overbearing but your heart is in the right place. Take some time to evaluate your approach to leadership and to those around you. Reflecting upon your attitude and outward appearance enables you to refresh these relationships and get the best out of people.

    King of Wands Reversed Keywords

    Impulsiveness, ruthlessness, haste, and high expectations.

  • King of Wands In A Love Reading

    King of Wands In A Finance Reading

    King of Wands In A Career Reading