Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

  • Four of Pentacles tarot card meaning
  • Four of Pentacles Upright Meaning

    Right now, you may feel very attached to your material wealth and possessions, which is understandable. We need money in order to live a comfortable and secure life. Perhaps you are focusing on saving money for the future and thrive on being in control of your money. However, it is important to remember that you still need to live. Don’t let saving for the future impede the life you’re living now. We’re not guaranteed to live forever, and so it is important to not put all of our eggs in one basket. There is a happy medium to be found between living for the now, and taking care of your future. Four is the number of security and safety, but don’t take it too far.

    Four of Pentacles Keywords

    Security, saving money, and control.

    Four of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, the Four of Pentacles suggests that you are verging on dangerous territory. You might be hoarding money, wealth, and being a little greedy. Don’t allow money to become a defining factor in your life, and if it already is, then perhaps you need to take the time to evaluate what matters to you. Alternatively, this card, reversed, may also suggest that you are not careful enough. You may overspend and are frivolous. As with the upright meaning, you need to find a happy medium. Enough that you feel safe and secure, but are still living a life that makes you happy and that you are proud of.

    Four of Pentacles Reversed Keywords

    Over-spending, materialism, and greed.

  • Four of Pentacles In A Love Reading

    The Four of Pentacles in love represents holding onto relationships or emotions too tightly. It can suggest fear of loss or a need for security, which may be causing emotional blockages.

    Four of Pentacles In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Four of Pentacles represents financial stability but also a fear of losing what you have. You may be overly cautious with your money or unwilling to take risks that could lead to growth.

    Four of Pentacles In A Career Reading

    In career, the Four of Pentacles suggests that you are holding onto your position or resources tightly, potentially limiting growth. While financial security is important, don’t let fear of loss hold you back.