Five of Wands Tarot Card Meaning

  • Five of Wands tarot card meaning
  • Five of Wands Upright Meaning

    This card is all about our ability to respect one another while still fighting for what we believe in. You might have people in your life at the moment who you disagree with. You should consider whether they are worth the battle. What would the outcome be? Would it benefit either of you, or would it just be conflict for the sake of conflict? A little healthy competition can bring out the best of us. Perhaps you’re going for a promotion at work, or you are entering a literal competition, you should try to truly experience what competition means and how it helps us to grow as people. Allow minor irritations to brush past you and focus on the ones that really matter. Don’t waste your time on the small stuff.

    Five of Wands Keywords

    Conflict, competition, adversity, tension, and diversity.

    Five of Wands Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, the Five of Wands suggests that you may be avoiding difficult situations or conflict. Yes, life is easier if we avoid everything that is difficult but in doing so we miss a fundamental part of life and of growth. Perhaps you feel an inner conflict within yourself, you might have opposing ideas that just don’t gel together, now would be a good time to really look inward and reflect upon yourself. Work through ideas, talk to others, garner new points of view, and learn from the experience.

    Five of Wands Reversed Keywords

    Inner conflict, avoidance behaviours, and a release of tension.

  • Five of Wands In A Love Reading

    In love, the Five of Wands indicates conflict, competition, or misunderstandings. It suggests that there may be tension in your relationship or competition for attention.

    Five of Wands In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Five of Wands suggests financial struggles or competition. You may need to navigate some financial conflicts or disagreements to achieve success.

    Five of Wands In A Career Reading

    In career, the Five of Wands represents conflict or competition in the workplace. It’s a time to stand your ground and assert yourself to overcome challenges.