Two of Swords Tarot Card Meaning

  • Two of Swords tarot card meaning
  • Two of Swords Upright Meaning

    Upright, the Two of Swords represents indecision. You are stuck between a rock and a hard place. However, this card tells you that you’re trying to make a decision without having gathered all of the facts first. You may feel that it is easier to simply avoid making a decision but that will likely make matters more difficult in the long term. Perhaps now is the time to seek further information or guidance from others. Gather as much information as you can, and the answer will become clear.

    Two of Swords Keywords

    Avoidance, difficult decisions, and an impasse.

    Two of Swords Reversed Meaning

    Reversed, the Two of Swords shows that you may have too much information to sift through. You are paralyzed by indecision because of how much information you have access to. You may feel confused by your situation and that there is no ‘right answer’. You are in a stalemate, perhaps, between your heart and your head. In order to move forward, you have to think clearly. Indecision won’t get you anywhere. Now is the time to act, so take your time to utilize all of the information you have access to, and take that step forward.

    Two of Swords Reversed Keywords

    Confusion, information overload, stalemate, and indecision.

  • Two of Swords In A Love Reading

    In love, the Two of Swords suggests indecision and avoidance of difficult conversations. You may be at a crossroads, needing to make a choice in your relationship.

    Two of Swords In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Two of Swords suggests a need to make financial decisions, but you may be avoiding confronting your options. Clarity will come once you address the situation head-on.

    Two of Swords In A Career Reading

    In career matters, the Two of Swords indicates a period of indecision or feeling stuck. You may need to make a difficult choice between two career paths or projects.