The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning

  • The high priestess tarot card meaning
  • The High Priestess Upright Meaning

    The High Priestess signifies spiritual enlightenment and trusting our intuition. This is a sign to trust your gut and look into yourself for the knowledge you need. This is where the answers will be found. Embracing the Divine Feminine, connecting to your intuition, compassion, empathy, and wisdom, is encouraged with this card. Live in harmony, rather than destroying or competing, and manifest something through nurturing and trust.

    The High Priestess Keywords

    Wisdom, Subconcious, Intuition, Mystery, Undiscovered Talents, Spiritual Insight

    The High Priestess Reversed Meaning

    Look inside of yourself for answers, rather than looking to others. This card signifies that you might have been swayed by the opinions of others, and that you have lacked foresight. Some areas of your life might feel out of balance because you have been leading with facts and figures, rather than your own intuition and feeling. Be aware of gossip and rise above mistruths. You could be repressing knowledge or feelings that should be shared.

    The High Priestess Reversed Keywords

    Lack of intuition, Repression of true feelings, Passion, Lack of personal harmony, Secrets

  • The High Priestess In A Love Reading

    The High Priestess represents a deep, intuitive connection in relationships. It signifies mystery, secrets, and the importance of trusting your inner voice. In love, it can indicate a need for patience and understanding.

    The High Priestess In A Finance Reading

    Financially, The High Priestess indicates that all may not be as it seems. It’s a time to be cautious and to listen to your intuition regarding financial decisions. Hidden opportunities may be revealed through patience.

    The High Priestess In A Career Reading

    In your career, The High Priestess suggests that you may be working behind the scenes or relying on intuition to guide your decisions. It’s a time for research, reflection, and trusting your inner wisdom.