The Sun Tarot Card Meaning

  • The Sun tarot card meaning
  • The Sun Upright Meaning

    The Sun is one of those cards that lights up a reading, literally. Think radiance, abundance, and success. You might notice that people are drawn to you because of your warmth and happiness. No matter what life throws at you, you handle it with grace and radiance. The Sun represents a brighter future, especially if you’ve been having a tough time recently. A renewed sense of zeal and energy will come to you, pushing you forward.

    The Sun Keywords

    Positivity, Happiness, Contentment, Vitality, Enlightment, Joy, Success, Vitality

    The Sun Reversed Meaning

    This card, reversed, signifies that perhaps you should let loose and have fun! If you’re getting bogged down in the stresses of life, you might need a break to get back to what it means to be carefree and happy. If you think of how children play with reckless abandon, that’s what you may need. However, it may also mean that you struggle to see the good in the bad. You may lack the optimism needed to make the best of things. Take stock of what you have, I’m sure you have plenty of things to be happy for. The Sun is always the giver of life, and never negative. Whatever you are going through will pass. It encourages you to look inwards and give thanks for what you have.

    The Sun Reversed Keywords

    Misjudgements, Sadness, Lack of clarity, False impressions, Low Vitality

  • The Sun In A Love Reading

    In love, the Sun represents joy, happiness, and positivity. It signifies a fulfilling and harmonious relationship, where both partners are experiencing warmth and mutual respect.

    The Sun In A Finance Reading

    Financially, the Sun represents abundance and prosperity. It’s a time when your financial situation is flourishing, and you can enjoy the rewards of your efforts.

    The Sun In A Career Reading

    In career, the Sun signifies success, recognition, and achievement. It’s a time of career growth and fulfillment, where your hard work pays off, and you are appreciated for your contributions.